안녕하세요, 정훈! 최근에 한국에서 축제 있었어?
Hello, Jeonghoon! Have there been any festivals in Korea recently?
안녕하세요, 수연! 최근에 다녀온 축제가 있어. 한가위 축제였어.
Hello, Suyeon! Yes, I went to a festival recently. It was the Chuseok Festival.
그게 뭐야? 어떻게 열렸어?
What is that? How was it held?
한가위 축제는 한국의 추석을 축하하는 행사야. 음식도 많고 즐거워!
The Chuseok Festival is an event celebrating Korea's harvest festival. There’s plenty of food and it's fun!
좋겠다! 어떤 음식을 먹고 왔어?
Sounds great! What food did you eat?
송편이나 전통 과일인 배를 먹었어. 정말 맛있었어!
I ate songpyeon and traditional fruit like pears. It was really tasty!
음식이 너무 맛있어 보이네! 놀러 간 건 재미있었어?
The food looks so delicious! Was it fun to go?
진짜 재미있었어! 전통 공연도 보고 대화하는 시간도 가졌어.
It was really fun! I watched traditional performances and had time to chat.
정말 멋져! 그러면 다음 도올 오고싶어!
That sounds amazing! I would love to go next time!
같이 가면 좋을 것 같아! 친구들도 초대해도 돼.
It would be great to go together! You can invite your friends too.
정말 좋아! 나는 이 다음에 일정이 뭘까 걱정 돼.
That sounds awesome! I’m worried about what my schedule will be for the next one.
그럼, 내가 널 도와줄게! 언제든지 함께 가자.
Then, I’ll help you! Let’s always go together.
고마워! 너와 함께 하는 게 정말 좋아.
Thank you! I really enjoy being with you.
나도 그래! 다음에 어떤 행사를 즐기고 싶어?
Me too! What event would you like to enjoy next?
서울에서 열리는 불꽃놀이 축제를 가고 싶어!
I want to see the fireworks festival held in Seoul!
좋아, 함께 가자! 멋진 추억 만들자.
Sure, let’s go together! Let’s create wonderful memories.
응! 기대돼!
Yes! I’m looking forward to it!